There are many diverse Galician and Spanish companies Alfredo has worked with as a performer / creator; Lusco e Fusco, Elefante Elegant, Chévere, San & San, Teatro Circo Price and Pistacatro.

His next creation is with Matarile Teatro in co-production with the National Dramatic Center.
On tour
IO Company
Together with Beatriz Rubio and Álbaro Reboredo, Alfredo presented ESPIDA, a journey investigating the idea of gender through non-binary, desire, loneliness, vulnerability and strength.

Circus bodies out of their comfort zone offer to travel places where possible.
The Chipolatas
Since 2013 Alfredo has toured with the English / Australian company ‘The Chipolatas’ with the show GENTLEMEN OF THE ROAD and the four-component version, LA BOMBA. Transcending trends, capturing hearts and crossing borders, these clowns lead to a performance where the idea is to celebrate. The show combines circus, theatre and live music and makes for a common ground where magic is made.

Apart from Alfredo’s work in theatres, auditoriums and the streets, he also works behind the camera as a dancer for Pisando Ovos, Guadi Galego and Sixteen Thunders.